Tag Archives: Cortes

A Secret Garden, with Hollyhock

Sept 17-22 at Hollyhock on Cortes Island, I’ll be co-facilitating A Secret Garden: Writing Childhood Memories with the wonderful Caroline Adderson. It’s a workshop/retreat that focuses on accessing childhood material and points of view and how to use them in your writing, whether that be memoir, fiction, writing for children, or purely personal.  Participants will be in all stages of their writing journey. The purpose of the workshop is to generate the material, so you don’t have to come with anything already written, but you can.  We’ll spend about an hour on guided writing in the morning, then everyone goes off to write.  One on one sessions are available in the afternoon. We’ll meet again after dinner to share, discuss, and consider.  To prepare, try to gather as much childhood material as you can — photos, memories, etc.  Reread the books you loved at that time. We’ll give more specific instructions closer to the time. Time travel is possible! NB Early bird discount runs until 18 June.

Link to Hollyhock page